Since 1969

Important! Please read about our 2023/24 Holiday Schedule

Midsouth's pickup room and phones will be closed starting Friday 12/22 at 12pm Central and will reopen for normal business hours on 12/26. Orders will still be taken on the web and processed when we get back from spending Christmas with our families. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy holiday!

Please see the schedule below:

- Friday Dec 22 - Closing at Noon
- Saturday Dec 23 - Closed
- Sunday Dec 24 - Closed
- Monday Dec 25 - Closed
- Tuesday Dec 26 - Open Regular Hours
- Wedesday Dec 27 - Open Regular Hours
- Thursday Dec 28 - Open Regular Hours
- Friday Dec 29 - Open Regular Hours
- Saturday Dec 30 - Closed
- Sunday Dec 31 - Closed
- Monday Jan 1 - Closed
- Tuesday Jan 2 - Open Regular Hours (Holiday Hours End)