Since 1969

Thompson Center Contender Gripper Decelerator

Pachmayr # 05054 |  Item # 010-05054
  • Thompson Center Contender Gripper Decelerator
  • Thompson Center Contender Gripper Decelerator
  • pachmayr
Status: Out of Stock
  • This item is out of stock and is not available for backorder.
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Thompson Contender Grip Cap

Three grip design offer the best control for this heavy recoiling handgun. Each Pachmayr decelerator grip features a patented air pocket recoil chamber and deep checkered finish.

For old style contender frames only, not for G-2. It will not fit 45-70 or 375 JDJ calibers because the bolt is too long according to Pachmayr.

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  • Shipping Weight: 0.80lbs. - Please Note: Most packages will require extra packing materials.
  • This item is regulated by the US STATE DEPARTMENT and may require an EXPORT LICENSE for international orders.
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